
Tennis Drop Shot Technique & Practise Methods – keysportswear

Tennis Drop Shot Technique & Practise Methods

Tennis Drop Shot Technique & Practise Methods

Tennis Drop Shot Technique & Practise Methods

The best way to go about learning the Tennis Drop Shot Technique & To Practice is to start with forehand and backhand slice strokes as those serve as the foundation for the drop shot. Hold off on learning a drop shot if you can’t yet consistently hit a few slice/underspin

strokes from the baseline and keep up a rally since you’ll likely acquire bad technique and have a low chance of hitting a nice short ball. Work on the volleys and slice strokes first since they all belong to the same family

of strokes as the drop shot and are performed with the backspin/slice. The major technical criteria for the forehand and backhand drop shots will be covered in

this video article, along with some useful tennis drills that will help you get a feel for the drop shot. Additionally, we’ll discuss the tactical aspects of playing the drop shot and

The Distinction Between the Techniques of the Slice and Drop Shot

The Distinction Between the Techniques of the Slice and Drop Shot

Since most tennis players like to play a short ball on the backhand side, let’s start by contrasting the backhand

slice and drop shot stroke styles.

These players find it simpler to adapt their stroke technique to the drop shot since they are accustomed to striking a backhand slice.

The backswing, as you can see in the photographs, is essentially the same, if not

slightly shorter for the drop shot, but you shouldn’t really focus on that.

The backswing should naturally shorten as you are not trying to give the ball any more force.

The racket head angle, which we strike further under the ball while playing a drop shot, is the primary difference.

In comparison to the backhand slice, the follow-through is also shorter.

I advise you to follow the tips provided here and keep your drop shot technique extremely basic.

Forehand Slice vs Drop Shot Techniques

Forehand Slice vs Drop Shot Techniques

Since we will hit with more underspin and less forward force, we could have a somewhat shorter backswing and a more open racket face upon impact.

The main principles remain the same:

Always put your weight forward into the ball.
stroke slightly forward with a short stroke instead of across your body.
Keep your wrist firmly in place; avoid playing with a slack wrist.
To avoid body rotation that would cause you to swing across the ball and struggle to control it, keep your body oriented towards the contact point during the whole stroke.

Practical Tennis Drills For Developing Good Feel

The drop shot is the ultimate feel-based stroke, thus success rests more on your ability to gauge the proper force and slice to create a successful shot than it does on your ability to execute all the technical aspects of the stroke properly.

Therefore, via practise and exercises, you must acquire this sense and judgement of the proper opportunity.

Mini tennis topspin vs slice/drop shot

While you play slicing strokes and attempt to keep the ball in the service box, one player hits topspin shots in the service box.

To get acclimated to the exercise and improve your ball feel, start by controlling the ball rather than trying to play a very short drop shot.

Try a short drop shot when you see the appropriate chance, which means the ball is not moving too quickly,

slowly, high or low, etc.

Simply letting the ball go will allow your partner to give you honest feedback on how well your drop shot performed.

Of course, you may alternate between down the line and cross

Baseline slice/drop shot vs service line topspin

The following set of exercises has you returning to the baseline, where you play

slice and drop shots into the service box, while your partner hangs out near the service box and hits topspin smashes in your direction from the baseline.

I advise starting these workouts with cross-court direction and determining afterwards whether down the line is as effective.

Once more, your objective is to control the ball with a slice and attempt to keep it in the service box. When the time is right, you can play a true drop shot that is shorter and aimed behind the net.

Change sides and roles, and use your imagination to create other exercises based on these two so you may have more fun and practise the drop shot from various perspectives.

Tennis Drop Shot Technique & Practise Methods – keysportswear

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Tennis Drop Shot Technique & Practise Methods – keysportswear

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